Protected.cx respects intellectual property rights and expects users to do the same. This DMCA policy outlines procedures for submitting copyright infringement notifications regarding content hosted on our platform.
Reporting Copyright Infringement
To submit a DMCA takedown notice, please provide the following information:
Required Information
- Your physical or electronic signature
- Description of the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed
- URL or location of the allegedly infringing material on Protected.cx
- Your contact information (email address, phone number, and physical address)
- A statement of your good faith belief that the use is not authorized
- A statement that the information provided is accurate under penalty of perjury
Our Response
Upon receiving a valid DMCA notice, we will:
- Promptly remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing content
- Take appropriate action against repeat infringers
- Notify the affected user about the takedown
- Document and maintain records of the notification
Counter-Notice Procedure
If you believe your content was wrongly removed, you may submit a counter-notice containing:
- Your physical or electronic signature
- Identification of the removed content and its original location
- A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief the material was removed by mistake
- Your contact information and consent to local federal court jurisdiction
Repeat Infringer Policy
We maintain a strict policy against repeat infringers:
- Accounts of users who repeatedly violate copyright will be terminated
- Multiple DMCA violations may result in permanent account suspension
- We track and document all copyright violations
- False claims may lead to liability under Section 512(f) of the DMCA
- We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time
- This policy applies to all content hosted on Protected.cx's services
Contact Information
Submit DMCA notices at: [email protected]